Suresh Wanayalae I'm a Buddhist, And I don't believe an existence of a creator.
I know how the universe exists.
I know how the universe exists.
Owen Lloyd sorry dude, there's lots of errors on that page, trying reading some science books written by experts in cosmology & astrophysics who have spent a lifetime studying in their fields, not some religious guy with a "theory"
Suresh Wanayalae Owen Lloyd Please point me the errors. I can fix it or I can explain more about it.
I spend couple of years to make that theory too. But I don't think it is only a theory, because I used facts to make that theory. And most of them are interconnected very well.
You can try to understand this facts:
If both of existence and non existence can interact with each other then no need a creator to create the existence.
Our observable universe have 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter.
1.) Existence (space) = Imagine a ball.
2.) Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) = Imagine a ball size of space (without the ball ).
3.) Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy) = Imagine a ball appear and disappear. It means, the ball and space use the same place.
Existence with Non-Existence + Existence + Non-Existence = Universe
Still there are unseparated "existence with non-existence". But it (dark energy) separate with the expansion of our observable Universe. And that is how the Universe create new energy.
(Anti-gravity and the True Nature of Dark Energy which create energy)
"That process is repeating without a start, because there were always three main things inside the Universe. Those are existence (space+distance), non-existence (nospace+distance) and existence with non-existence instant, where the space and nospace use the same distance instantly by making space instantly and then making nospace (quantum bang) instantly by eating each other. And that is the birth place of the existence and non-existence (dark energy), but the unilimited distance can cause to seperate that combination."Manage
I spend couple of years to make that theory too. But I don't think it is only a theory, because I used facts to make that theory. And most of them are interconnected very well.
You can try to understand this facts:
If both of existence and non existence can interact with each other then no need a creator to create the existence.
Our observable universe have 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter.
1.) Existence (space) = Imagine a ball.
2.) Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) = Imagine a ball size of space (without the ball ).
3.) Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy) = Imagine a ball appear and disappear. It means, the ball and space use the same place.
Existence with Non-Existence + Existence + Non-Existence = Universe
Still there are unseparated "existence with non-existence". But it (dark energy) separate with the expansion of our observable Universe. And that is how the Universe create new energy.
(Anti-gravity and the True Nature of Dark Energy which create energy)
"That process is repeating without a start, because there were always three main things inside the Universe. Those are existence (space+distance), non-existence (nospace+distance) and existence with non-existence instant, where the space and nospace use the same distance instantly by making space instantly and then making nospace (quantum bang) instantly by eating each other. And that is the birth place of the existence and non-existence (dark energy), but the unilimited distance can cause to seperate that combination."Manage
Suresh Wanayalae Owen Lloyd I'll explain each.
1.) Some massive Stars become a small back hole when they die, because it is the original form of materials.
You can learn how Black holes create stars from here: New Discovery: Supermassive Black Holes Create Galaxies :
2.) Dark Energy cause to accelerate the expansion of the Universe. It has proofs too. So it is correct.
3.) We can find a Black Hole at the center of every galaxy, So it is correct too.Manage
1.) Some massive Stars become a small back hole when they die, because it is the original form of materials.
You can learn how Black holes create stars from here: New Discovery: Supermassive Black Holes Create Galaxies :
2.) Dark Energy cause to accelerate the expansion of the Universe. It has proofs too. So it is correct.
3.) We can find a Black Hole at the center of every galaxy, So it is correct too.Manage
Owen Lloyd OK, sorry if this is a bit long:
Point 1:
Stars and planets are products of Quantum Particles and Black Holes.
No. Stars & planets are products of matter. Their formations are very different. Stellar formations rely on the collapse of gas clouds (namely hydrogen & helium) under gravity. First generation stars above the Chandrasekhar limit generally formed supernovae from which the other matter elements were / are created (subject to electron degeneracy). In time, these form other matter clouds with a richer variety of elements formed during the stars destruction. The remnants determines what remains, so a black hole would be formed if the neutron degeneracy was insufficient to resist further collapse beyond a neutron star, i.e. the star needs to lose enough mass to not form a black hole & this is determined when it prior to & during the supernova stage & the associated mass. Stars below the Chandrasekhar limit usually follow the main sequence & will form white dwarfs.
After the supernova, the matter scatter by the explosion cause other gas clouds from which 2nd / 3rd generation stars are formed. As the clouds collapse under gravity, the rotation of the new protostar's formation creates an accretion disk which acts in a similar manner to a centrifuge; the heavier elements tend to stay closer to the star, the lighter ones are flung further out (as our solar system). Localised gravitational collapses clump rocks, gas, etc together to form the planets in the accretion disk & so on.
Point 2:
As discovered, all the galaxies are accelerating away from the center after the big bang. It shows us that Universes may have properties of waves.
No. there is no centre of the big bang as every point in space can be considered the centre & not all galaxies are accelerating away from each other, so they can't all be accelerating away from this "centre" - an example of this is the imminent collision between Andromeda & the Milky Way. Even so, you have not demonstrated that this universe has the property of waves. The fact that waves exist is not sufficient to show that the universe itself has wavelike properties even if space-time (i.e. the material of universe) can be subjected to gravitational waves
Point 3:
At the center of galaxies we can find a solid Black Hole. Which is an another form of emptiness.
Define emptiness. If you're trying to define it as distance between objects, then we already have a definition of that, it's called distance. If you're trying to define it as the vacuum of space, then you haven't really demonstrated or cited an example of proof because it is known that particle - antiparticle pairs form for brief periods of time, so there is matter in the vacuum & for this matter to form, there must be energy. Thus, you not only have to define it, you have to give an example of emptiness on which everyone agrees. You also then need to define & show examples of positive & negative forms of emptiness (whatever that means). Although it is thought black holes lie at the centre of all galaxies, a black hole has enormous mass, so how can it be empty or devoid of energy & matter? Your assumption is incorrect.
Until you've demonstrated those points, your webpage is meaningless. Following on:-
1.) Existence (space) = Imagine a ball.
2.) Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) = Imagine a ball size of space (without the ball ).
3.) Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy) = Imagine a ball appear and disappear. It means, the ball and space use the same place.
Your assumption that dark / ordinary matter are non existent is patently ridiculous. If either are non existent, then you can't detect them. We can. Your 3rd point is very confused, all you are saying (I think) is that matter & space are intertwined, this is well explained by GR.
ManagePoint 1:
Stars and planets are products of Quantum Particles and Black Holes.
No. Stars & planets are products of matter. Their formations are very different. Stellar formations rely on the collapse of gas clouds (namely hydrogen & helium) under gravity. First generation stars above the Chandrasekhar limit generally formed supernovae from which the other matter elements were / are created (subject to electron degeneracy). In time, these form other matter clouds with a richer variety of elements formed during the stars destruction. The remnants determines what remains, so a black hole would be formed if the neutron degeneracy was insufficient to resist further collapse beyond a neutron star, i.e. the star needs to lose enough mass to not form a black hole & this is determined when it prior to & during the supernova stage & the associated mass. Stars below the Chandrasekhar limit usually follow the main sequence & will form white dwarfs.
After the supernova, the matter scatter by the explosion cause other gas clouds from which 2nd / 3rd generation stars are formed. As the clouds collapse under gravity, the rotation of the new protostar's formation creates an accretion disk which acts in a similar manner to a centrifuge; the heavier elements tend to stay closer to the star, the lighter ones are flung further out (as our solar system). Localised gravitational collapses clump rocks, gas, etc together to form the planets in the accretion disk & so on.
Point 2:
As discovered, all the galaxies are accelerating away from the center after the big bang. It shows us that Universes may have properties of waves.
No. there is no centre of the big bang as every point in space can be considered the centre & not all galaxies are accelerating away from each other, so they can't all be accelerating away from this "centre" - an example of this is the imminent collision between Andromeda & the Milky Way. Even so, you have not demonstrated that this universe has the property of waves. The fact that waves exist is not sufficient to show that the universe itself has wavelike properties even if space-time (i.e. the material of universe) can be subjected to gravitational waves
Point 3:
At the center of galaxies we can find a solid Black Hole. Which is an another form of emptiness.
Define emptiness. If you're trying to define it as distance between objects, then we already have a definition of that, it's called distance. If you're trying to define it as the vacuum of space, then you haven't really demonstrated or cited an example of proof because it is known that particle - antiparticle pairs form for brief periods of time, so there is matter in the vacuum & for this matter to form, there must be energy. Thus, you not only have to define it, you have to give an example of emptiness on which everyone agrees. You also then need to define & show examples of positive & negative forms of emptiness (whatever that means). Although it is thought black holes lie at the centre of all galaxies, a black hole has enormous mass, so how can it be empty or devoid of energy & matter? Your assumption is incorrect.
Until you've demonstrated those points, your webpage is meaningless. Following on:-
1.) Existence (space) = Imagine a ball.
2.) Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) = Imagine a ball size of space (without the ball ).
3.) Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy) = Imagine a ball appear and disappear. It means, the ball and space use the same place.
Your assumption that dark / ordinary matter are non existent is patently ridiculous. If either are non existent, then you can't detect them. We can. Your 3rd point is very confused, all you are saying (I think) is that matter & space are intertwined, this is well explained by GR.
Suresh Wanayalae Owen Lloyd
1.) Quantum Particles = Composite subatomic particles (such as protons or atomic nuclei) are bound states of two or more elementary particles. For example, a proton is made of two up quarks and one down quark, while the atomic nucleus of helium-4 is composed of two protons and two neutrons.
Quantum Particles = matter
And there are small black holes and super massive black holes. And not all the black holes created from a Star. Black Holes created with the big bang too.
It is not a my theory, it is already accepted fact.
I'm just saying that the every object (black holes/ starts/ quantum particles) use the same matter.
I was not talking about the center of the Big bang. I was talking about the center of galaxies which created after the big bang. There are billions of galaxies within this observable universe. Each galaxy has a Black Hole at the center.:
3.) I can understand what you say. But this is a new thing, so please try to understand it deeply.
I have my own definition to the word "Empty".
Emptiness = 0 = Don't have a distance, and not a vacuum too. = Completely nothing = Empty Ball = 0 Ball = Empty Distance = 0 Distance = Totally Nothing = No form, no shape no size, no distance = 0
Emptiness = Don't have a distance, and it is not a vacuum, but it can separate into two forms if a distance exist. It means that the Emptiness separated into two form because of the Distance of the Universe.
The reason why the emptiness (0) became an existence (+1) and a non-existance (-1) was the emptiness (0) of the universe + distance of the universe because we can't remove both emptiness and distance from the universe.
It is like two sides of the same coin. When there is a front side, then it should have a back side. When the emptiness created Space, it created the Black Hole (quantum particles) too. So the Space must try to fill the Black Hole (Nospace) to finish the existence of the Space.
We can see it from this Buddhist Explanation too: "Form is emptiness, Emptiness is form."
It sounds like that there are two forms of emtinesses. (Eg: Positive Form Of Emptiness And Negative Form Of Emptiness)
Dark energy should be the moment when existence (space/+1) and the non-existence (nospace/-1) appear and disappear within the same distance.Manage
1.) Quantum Particles = Composite subatomic particles (such as protons or atomic nuclei) are bound states of two or more elementary particles. For example, a proton is made of two up quarks and one down quark, while the atomic nucleus of helium-4 is composed of two protons and two neutrons.
Quantum Particles = matter
And there are small black holes and super massive black holes. And not all the black holes created from a Star. Black Holes created with the big bang too.
It is not a my theory, it is already accepted fact.
I'm just saying that the every object (black holes/ starts/ quantum particles) use the same matter.
I was not talking about the center of the Big bang. I was talking about the center of galaxies which created after the big bang. There are billions of galaxies within this observable universe. Each galaxy has a Black Hole at the center.:
3.) I can understand what you say. But this is a new thing, so please try to understand it deeply.
I have my own definition to the word "Empty".
Emptiness = 0 = Don't have a distance, and not a vacuum too. = Completely nothing = Empty Ball = 0 Ball = Empty Distance = 0 Distance = Totally Nothing = No form, no shape no size, no distance = 0
Emptiness = Don't have a distance, and it is not a vacuum, but it can separate into two forms if a distance exist. It means that the Emptiness separated into two form because of the Distance of the Universe.
The reason why the emptiness (0) became an existence (+1) and a non-existance (-1) was the emptiness (0) of the universe + distance of the universe because we can't remove both emptiness and distance from the universe.
It is like two sides of the same coin. When there is a front side, then it should have a back side. When the emptiness created Space, it created the Black Hole (quantum particles) too. So the Space must try to fill the Black Hole (Nospace) to finish the existence of the Space.
We can see it from this Buddhist Explanation too: "Form is emptiness, Emptiness is form."
It sounds like that there are two forms of emtinesses. (Eg: Positive Form Of Emptiness And Negative Form Of Emptiness)
Dark energy should be the moment when existence (space/+1) and the non-existence (nospace/-1) appear and disappear within the same distance.Manage
Owen Lloyd Your ideas are wrong. If you are not talking about the centre of the Big Bang, then Point 2 of your hypothesis is wrong. You stated:-
"As discovered, all the galaxies are accelerating away from the center after the big bang. It shows us that Universes may have properties of waves."
You say nothing about the centre of galaxies, so at best, your points are confused & you still haven't shown that universes have the properties of waves.
Additionally, you haven't demonstrated what empty is. Show me an example of it. Also, you seem to be trying to define something smaller than the Planck Length, so trying to provide an example of your emptiness is going to be difficult.
Part of your problem is your assumptions of quantum mechanics apply to the macro states of matter & energy when it refers to small scale & this should be under the influence of GR. If you've managed to bridge the difficulty between QM & GR, then that certainly would be an achievement, thus trying to state that dark matter / ordinary matter are continually in a state of flux between the two is erroneous. You also haven't accounted for other potential QM states. Further to this, you have a link between your religion & the science without evidence or proof & your leaps are not demonstrated, they are assertions. Science doesn't work like that, so if you want to demonstrate that you are correct, you need to follow the scientific method & have you hypothesis peer reviewed. However, I won't be holding my breath while you wait for the Nobel Prize for physics.
Manage"As discovered, all the galaxies are accelerating away from the center after the big bang. It shows us that Universes may have properties of waves."
You say nothing about the centre of galaxies, so at best, your points are confused & you still haven't shown that universes have the properties of waves.
Additionally, you haven't demonstrated what empty is. Show me an example of it. Also, you seem to be trying to define something smaller than the Planck Length, so trying to provide an example of your emptiness is going to be difficult.
Part of your problem is your assumptions of quantum mechanics apply to the macro states of matter & energy when it refers to small scale & this should be under the influence of GR. If you've managed to bridge the difficulty between QM & GR, then that certainly would be an achievement, thus trying to state that dark matter / ordinary matter are continually in a state of flux between the two is erroneous. You also haven't accounted for other potential QM states. Further to this, you have a link between your religion & the science without evidence or proof & your leaps are not demonstrated, they are assertions. Science doesn't work like that, so if you want to demonstrate that you are correct, you need to follow the scientific method & have you hypothesis peer reviewed. However, I won't be holding my breath while you wait for the Nobel Prize for physics.
Suresh Wanayalae Owen Lloyd , Please use common sence. If you accept the big bang, then you should be able to understand that it happened at somewhere in the center of our Universe. And we know that all the galaxies are moving away from that center. You can learn more from here:
You mixed two explanations.
1. We can find a black hole at the center of galaxies. I hope you know what a galaxy is. Milky way is the name of our galaxy. But there are billions of galaxies.
2. All the galaxies are moving away from the center after the big bang. And those galaxies not just moving, they are accelerating. So it is a proof that the universe can be a wave. I hope you know science. If something accelerate, it can be a wave.
My explanations are not assumptions. I'm using facts to explaing what really happens. Currently most scientists talks about Space and Time only, the don't talk about Space and Nospace, that is why they can't explain it. If you can define Space, you should be able to define Nospace, because if there are is "Plus" then you should know about the "Minus" too.
Please don't take Gravity as a different element, because I'm talking how the gravity created too, so no need to remove or include gravity in diffenet scals. I have already explained about it. It is an interaction between Space and Nospace. Please don't try to waste my time on it, because I don't discuss same thing again and again. You can read my explanations from my blog.
I don't try to explain more about Dark Matter and Ordinary Matter now, because you have to understand the Dark Energy first. Dark matter should be neutral "Nospace" at it should be smaller than particles (pressured Nospace or tightly combined Nospace) . You can read my blog to learn more.
Finally I'll explain more about emptiness. I don't know why you didn't understand my previous explanation about emptiness. Emptiness is a total nothingness. And I don't think I can show it, because that is what it is. It is something we can't show, and it is something that doesn't exist. It doesn't have distance, space or a time.
Imagine that emptiness first. Then you will see nothing. Keep in your mind that it doesn't have a distance too. But if you put distance to that emptiness, then what will happen?
You have to know what a distance first. Distance is a Gap without any object or space in between.
So how the emptiness and distance will react with each other?
Distance can't appear without an object or space in between. So the Distance shoud break the emptiness (0) to make space make a distance. That break made two forms of emptinesses. those are +1 emptiness and -1 emptiness, because when it create Space (+1) it created Nospace (-1) to balance it.
Space is a fact. (Positive Emptiness + Distace)
Nospace is a fact. Those are Dark Matter and Ordinary Matter. (Negotive Emptiness + Distace)
Space + Nospace is a fact too. That is Dark Energy. (Positive Emptiness and Negotive Emptiness use the same Distace, which make the Nospace appear and disappear. But that Nospace contains a gravity two. That gravity helped us to detect the Dark energy.)
Space is testable, and my explanation are the best explanation to the existence of the space. We can accept the existence of the Gravity without seeing it, You can use my explanations to describe the existence of the Space. And it is not an assumption too.
Nospace (Ordinary Matter and Dark Matter) is testable, if we have the required technology.
Space + Nospace (Dark Energy) is testable, if we have the required technology.
Existence and behaviours of Space, Black Holes, Dark Matter ad Dark Enegy are the proofs of my explanations.
You can apply this explanation to each and every behaviour of space, ordinary matter, dark matter and dark energy.
You can see all the facts. You just have to see it. If you can't understand it I'll not explain more, because some God believers can't understand it. But they think they can understand how the a God created the Universe. I didn't want to get a Noble Price. I just wanted to protect Buddhists from stupid creationists.
You mixed two explanations.
1. We can find a black hole at the center of galaxies. I hope you know what a galaxy is. Milky way is the name of our galaxy. But there are billions of galaxies.
2. All the galaxies are moving away from the center after the big bang. And those galaxies not just moving, they are accelerating. So it is a proof that the universe can be a wave. I hope you know science. If something accelerate, it can be a wave.
My explanations are not assumptions. I'm using facts to explaing what really happens. Currently most scientists talks about Space and Time only, the don't talk about Space and Nospace, that is why they can't explain it. If you can define Space, you should be able to define Nospace, because if there are is "Plus" then you should know about the "Minus" too.
Please don't take Gravity as a different element, because I'm talking how the gravity created too, so no need to remove or include gravity in diffenet scals. I have already explained about it. It is an interaction between Space and Nospace. Please don't try to waste my time on it, because I don't discuss same thing again and again. You can read my explanations from my blog.
I don't try to explain more about Dark Matter and Ordinary Matter now, because you have to understand the Dark Energy first. Dark matter should be neutral "Nospace" at it should be smaller than particles (pressured Nospace or tightly combined Nospace) . You can read my blog to learn more.
Finally I'll explain more about emptiness. I don't know why you didn't understand my previous explanation about emptiness. Emptiness is a total nothingness. And I don't think I can show it, because that is what it is. It is something we can't show, and it is something that doesn't exist. It doesn't have distance, space or a time.
Imagine that emptiness first. Then you will see nothing. Keep in your mind that it doesn't have a distance too. But if you put distance to that emptiness, then what will happen?
You have to know what a distance first. Distance is a Gap without any object or space in between.
So how the emptiness and distance will react with each other?
Distance can't appear without an object or space in between. So the Distance shoud break the emptiness (0) to make space make a distance. That break made two forms of emptinesses. those are +1 emptiness and -1 emptiness, because when it create Space (+1) it created Nospace (-1) to balance it.
Space is a fact. (Positive Emptiness + Distace)
Nospace is a fact. Those are Dark Matter and Ordinary Matter. (Negotive Emptiness + Distace)
Space + Nospace is a fact too. That is Dark Energy. (Positive Emptiness and Negotive Emptiness use the same Distace, which make the Nospace appear and disappear. But that Nospace contains a gravity two. That gravity helped us to detect the Dark energy.)
Space is testable, and my explanation are the best explanation to the existence of the space. We can accept the existence of the Gravity without seeing it, You can use my explanations to describe the existence of the Space. And it is not an assumption too.
Nospace (Ordinary Matter and Dark Matter) is testable, if we have the required technology.
Space + Nospace (Dark Energy) is testable, if we have the required technology.
Existence and behaviours of Space, Black Holes, Dark Matter ad Dark Enegy are the proofs of my explanations.
You can apply this explanation to each and every behaviour of space, ordinary matter, dark matter and dark energy.
You can see all the facts. You just have to see it. If you can't understand it I'll not explain more, because some God believers can't understand it. But they think they can understand how the a God created the Universe. I didn't want to get a Noble Price. I just wanted to protect Buddhists from stupid creationists.
Suresh Wanayalae Owen Lloyd I'll not explain more:
I havn't missed any point, but you have.
If you can't understand this explanation, Please learn more about causes and effects first. I used causes and effects only. So there is nothing you can remove or reject.
Please read this carefully and try to understand it first, I'll not explain same thing agaiin.:
Imagine that emptiness first. Then you will see nothing. Keep in your mind that it doesn't have a distance too. But if you put distance to that emptiness, then what will happen?
You have to know what a distance first. Distance is a Gap without any object or space in between.
So how the emptiness and distance will react with each other?
Distance can't appear without an object or space in between. So the Distance shoud break the emptiness (0) to make space make a distance. That break made two forms of emptinesses. those are +1 emptiness and -1 emptiness, because when it create Space (+1) it created Nospace (-1) to balance it.
Space is a fact. (Positive Emptiness + Distace)
Nospace is a fact. Those are Dark Matter and Ordinary Matter. (Negotive Emptiness + Distace)
ManageI havn't missed any point, but you have.
If you can't understand this explanation, Please learn more about causes and effects first. I used causes and effects only. So there is nothing you can remove or reject.
Please read this carefully and try to understand it first, I'll not explain same thing agaiin.:
Imagine that emptiness first. Then you will see nothing. Keep in your mind that it doesn't have a distance too. But if you put distance to that emptiness, then what will happen?
You have to know what a distance first. Distance is a Gap without any object or space in between.
So how the emptiness and distance will react with each other?
Distance can't appear without an object or space in between. So the Distance shoud break the emptiness (0) to make space make a distance. That break made two forms of emptinesses. those are +1 emptiness and -1 emptiness, because when it create Space (+1) it created Nospace (-1) to balance it.
Space is a fact. (Positive Emptiness + Distace)
Nospace is a fact. Those are Dark Matter and Ordinary Matter. (Negotive Emptiness + Distace)
Owen Lloyd Demonstrate an example of emptiness then, not quote what you think it is, but a real example.
Suresh Wanayalae Owen Lloyd I told you that Emptiness is equal to 0 which can't demonstrate from anything, because it is nothing. And that 0 emptiness only a middle point of the + emptiness and - emptiness , so it is not a stable position, and it is only a moment of that wave which created by distance. But we can demostrate the Positive Empiness + Distance or Negotive Emptiness + Distance.
Space = Positive Empiness + Distance
Nospace (Black Holes/Quantum particles/dark matter) = Negotive Emptiness + Distance
Space + Nospace is dark energy.
If I go in front of a mirror and try to hide my image (reflection) from the mirror, can't do it, because the mirror made it using my body, but if I don't have a body then I would not see me in the mirror. So if I don't have a body then we can call it an Emptiness of me. And if my body appear again then we can call it Positive Emptiness of me but we know that we can't stop the reflection from the mirror, and we can call it the Negotive Emptiness of me, and we can say me or the mirror made the reflections. Me is the Emptiness. Mirror is the Distance which created a posibility to view something.
Just try to understand it with the existence of dark energy, dark matter, black holeks,, space and etc. I don't think I need more proofs. Dark energy, Dark matter and Black Holes are great demonstrations too. Specially Dark Energy and Dark Matter confirmed my explanations. I don't see any other reason to exist something like Dark Energy and Dark Matter.
ManageSpace = Positive Empiness + Distance
Nospace (Black Holes/Quantum particles/dark matter) = Negotive Emptiness + Distance
Space + Nospace is dark energy.
If I go in front of a mirror and try to hide my image (reflection) from the mirror, can't do it, because the mirror made it using my body, but if I don't have a body then I would not see me in the mirror. So if I don't have a body then we can call it an Emptiness of me. And if my body appear again then we can call it Positive Emptiness of me but we know that we can't stop the reflection from the mirror, and we can call it the Negotive Emptiness of me, and we can say me or the mirror made the reflections. Me is the Emptiness. Mirror is the Distance which created a posibility to view something.
Just try to understand it with the existence of dark energy, dark matter, black holeks,, space and etc. I don't think I need more proofs. Dark energy, Dark matter and Black Holes are great demonstrations too. Specially Dark Energy and Dark Matter confirmed my explanations. I don't see any other reason to exist something like Dark Energy and Dark Matter.
Owen Lloyd So no then, you can't give an example & yes, you do need more proof because a) you have none & b) you haven't provided anything other than your own assertions.
If you think you have something, run it past a well known scientist, or write a paper & have it peer reviewed & published, but I'm guessing that you won't be taken seriously & I doubt that the most public it will be is you promoting your website. I wouldn't hold your breath for the Nobel Prize.
To be frank, I've gotten bored of this because you can't provide the necessary evidence & you are deliberately missing the point continually, Toodles.
ManageIf you think you have something, run it past a well known scientist, or write a paper & have it peer reviewed & published, but I'm guessing that you won't be taken seriously & I doubt that the most public it will be is you promoting your website. I wouldn't hold your breath for the Nobel Prize.
To be frank, I've gotten bored of this because you can't provide the necessary evidence & you are deliberately missing the point continually, Toodles.
Suresh Wanayalae Owen Lloyd If you think your God created Dark energy and Dark matter to help you live, then it's fine. But I explained how it can exists without a God. That is enough for now. As I told you before I showed the facts only. But you don't want to see it and asking the same questions again. If I tell you a God created it, I don't think you will ask more questions.. Ha ha
Suresh Wanayalae Owen Lloyd However I have a proof, but I'll not take time to explain it again, because I already it to someone else. I'll just copy and paste it to here.
Wave reaction of nospace (materials/photons/electrons etc.)"
"double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles".
I think that the connection between Manifest and non Manifest (connection between 0 and 1)(or space- nospace junction) supported the space to be larger than nospace, but nospace created a net (wave) between space to balance it, I think that net is the wave reaction of particles. Not only the nospace (particles) try to eat space (gravity), but also it tries to separated the space and nospace junction. And when it separate the connection between Manifest and non Manifest duality (the moment where there is no "space" or "nospace" Space = Free form of Emptiness + Distance, And: Nospace = Solid form Emitiness + Distance), it makes two separate Space and Nospace for a moment, and then that Space join with Space which cause the space to be larger than nospace, but the Nospace (smallest quantum particle) appear and disappear instantly making a wave between space. And when it happens the main particle wave too, because the newly created nospace (string) shake the space and shake the particle too. Those newly created nospaces (quantum particles (strings) around the main particle) disappear instantly. But we can see it from the "double-slit experiment".
Double-slit experiment:
That duality of Existence (Space) and Non-existence (Nospace) which exists as a couple, can be the dark energy which exists outside our observable Universe which caused to accelerate the expansion.Manage
Wave reaction of nospace (materials/photons/electrons etc.)"
"double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles".
I think that the connection between Manifest and non Manifest (connection between 0 and 1)(or space- nospace junction) supported the space to be larger than nospace, but nospace created a net (wave) between space to balance it, I think that net is the wave reaction of particles. Not only the nospace (particles) try to eat space (gravity), but also it tries to separated the space and nospace junction. And when it separate the connection between Manifest and non Manifest duality (the moment where there is no "space" or "nospace" Space = Free form of Emptiness + Distance, And: Nospace = Solid form Emitiness + Distance), it makes two separate Space and Nospace for a moment, and then that Space join with Space which cause the space to be larger than nospace, but the Nospace (smallest quantum particle) appear and disappear instantly making a wave between space. And when it happens the main particle wave too, because the newly created nospace (string) shake the space and shake the particle too. Those newly created nospaces (quantum particles (strings) around the main particle) disappear instantly. But we can see it from the "double-slit experiment".
Double-slit experiment:
That duality of Existence (Space) and Non-existence (Nospace) which exists as a couple, can be the dark energy which exists outside our observable Universe which caused to accelerate the expansion.Manage
Suresh Wanayalae Our observable universe have 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter.
Scientists think the balance between the dark energy and dark matter is a unique combination, but is not the case according to my theory. Actually the three things which created the universe were already balanced.
The three things are:
1.) Existence (space) = Imagine a ball.
2.) Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) = Imagine a ball size of space (without the ball ).
3.) Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy) = Imagine a ball appear and disappear. It means, the ball and space use the same place.
Those three things were already interconnected, so a balanced combination can happen within a small range of probabilities, because those 3 things should be balanced within maximum 33.33% range of probabilities, but because those three things can move from one place to another on the unlimited distance of the universe those three things can always maintain the percentage from a cyclic process of regeneration. So, as an example if we give a fixed 33.33 percentage for each of them. then we can count the probability range like this:
Probability Range = 100% - (33.33% x 3) = 100% - 99.99% = 0.01%
From that example we can say there can be only 0.01% range of those three things which might break the law of the balance of them with the support of unlimited distance of the universe, or if the fixed rate is 33.3333 then only 0.0001% range which break the balance of the three things, or if the fixed rate is this 33.333333333333% then only 0.000000000001% range might break the balance of those three things and make waves making big bangs within a very small range of probabilities.
I hope this explanation is enough for now.
Please take time to read this two.
Scientists think the balance between the dark energy and dark matter is a unique combination, but is not the case according to my theory. Actually the three things which created the universe were already balanced.
The three things are:
1.) Existence (space) = Imagine a ball.
2.) Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) = Imagine a ball size of space (without the ball ).
3.) Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy) = Imagine a ball appear and disappear. It means, the ball and space use the same place.
Those three things were already interconnected, so a balanced combination can happen within a small range of probabilities, because those 3 things should be balanced within maximum 33.33% range of probabilities, but because those three things can move from one place to another on the unlimited distance of the universe those three things can always maintain the percentage from a cyclic process of regeneration. So, as an example if we give a fixed 33.33 percentage for each of them. then we can count the probability range like this:
Probability Range = 100% - (33.33% x 3) = 100% - 99.99% = 0.01%
From that example we can say there can be only 0.01% range of those three things which might break the law of the balance of them with the support of unlimited distance of the universe, or if the fixed rate is 33.3333 then only 0.0001% range which break the balance of the three things, or if the fixed rate is this 33.333333333333% then only 0.000000000001% range might break the balance of those three things and make waves making big bangs within a very small range of probabilities.
I hope this explanation is enough for now.
Please take time to read this two.
Peter Lipscomb But it's not a "theory"...more of a hypothesis, yes? So, my first question would be: why would I take an opinion on the formation of the Cosmos from someone who misunderstandings what a theory is?
Peter Lipscomb Nope you can't...well, you can call it a cheese sandwich if you want...calling it a theory doesn't make it one. Gravity and evolution are both backed by, literally, thousands of peer reviewed papers...yours..not one would be accurate?
Suresh Wanayalae Peter Lipscomb This is a proof of my theory: The Quantum Experiment that Broke Reality
But scientists still can't explain it.
So if the scientists find a way to explain it. Then they will see that my theory is correct.Manage
But scientists still can't explain it.
So if the scientists find a way to explain it. Then they will see that my theory is correct.Manage
Peter Lipscomb And publish your findings in a PEER reviewed journal... that's how science works...and YouTube? Oh, good god!
Suresh Wanayalae Peter Lipscomb Yes, I didn't have time to publish it yet. But I just tried to get reviews from internet first. However, I hope to visit a relevant research center to get advice to publish it and send it to the Nasa. I know the process, but I can't do it alone. I'll try to do it soon. thank you for your advice.
Peter Lipscomb Good..great...good luck! You might want to think about: what would falsify my hypothesis? And again..good luck!
Suresh Wanayalae Peter Lipscomb Thank you. I can understand it. Bad reviews helped me a lot. good luck to you too.
Muslims, this is for you. Why doesn't your religion allow people to leave? (Apostacy)
Osomafo Abbeyquaye You are the same people saying that God does not exist. Then you turn around and ask us who created God. This is what I can't understand about you atheists. How do you reconcile the two issues?
Leonard Goffe Indeed, but when YOU claim there is a creator then the logical question becomes... who or what created your fictional creator
Osomafo Abbeyquaye You know what? It is high time we all stop this kind of thing. Honestly, we will go no where with this!
Suresh Wanayalae Why people need a creator? Why they don't understand this simple rule of existence:
Our observable universe have 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter.
Three things created the Universe:
1.) Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy/68.3%) = Imagine a ball appear and disappear. It means, the ball and space use the same place.
2.) Existence (space) = Imagine a ball.
3.) Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter 26.8%+4.9%) = Imagine a ball size of space (without the ball ).
Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy) = 68.3%
Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) 26.8%+4.9% = 31.7%
Existence (space) = X
Now Find the X.
Our observable universe have 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter.
Three things created the Universe:
1.) Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy/68.3%) = Imagine a ball appear and disappear. It means, the ball and space use the same place.
2.) Existence (space) = Imagine a ball.
3.) Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter 26.8%+4.9%) = Imagine a ball size of space (without the ball ).
Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy) = 68.3%
Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) 26.8%+4.9% = 31.7%
Existence (space) = X
Now Find the X.
Suresh Wanayalae Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy) = 68.3%
Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) 26.8%+4.9% = 31.7%
Existence (space) = X
Now Find the X.
ManageNon-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) 26.8%+4.9% = 31.7%
Existence (space) = X
Now Find the X.
Suresh Wanayalae Our observable universe have 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter.
Suresh Wanayalae Existence with Non-Existence (dark energy) = 68.3%
Don't you see that Dark Energy is two times larger than Dark Matter + Ordinary Matter?
Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) 26.8%+4.9% = 31.7%
But why?
Existence took the other 50% from it.
Existence (space) = 68.3% - 31.7% = 36.6%
ManageDon't you see that Dark Energy is two times larger than Dark Matter + Ordinary Matter?
Non-Existence (dark matter and ordinary matter) 26.8%+4.9% = 31.7%
But why?
Existence took the other 50% from it.
Existence (space) = 68.3% - 31.7% = 36.6%
Suresh Wanayalae If I go in front of a mirror and try to hide my image (reflection) from the mirror, can't do it, because the mirror made it using my body, but if I don't have a body then I would not see me in the mirror. So if I don't have a body then we can call it an Emptiness of me. And if my body appear again then we can call it Positive Emptiness of me but we know that we can't stop the reflection from the mirror, and we can call it the Negotive Emptiness of me, and we can say me or the mirror made the reflections. Me is the Emptiness. Mirror is the Distance which created a posibility to view something.
Osomafo Abbeyquaye Massa, this is natural conditions for existence if I am right. Does it mean that the supernatural cannot exist?
Suresh Wanayalae This is a proof of my theory: The Quantum Experiment that Broke Reality
But scientists still can't explain it.
So if the scientists find a way to explain it. Then they will see that my theory is correct.Manage
But scientists still can't explain it.
So if the scientists find a way to explain it. Then they will see that my theory is correct.Manage
The double slit experiment radically changed the way…
Suresh Wanayalae Imagine a place infinitly far away from our earth and all the galaxies. Do you think someone still create something there?
You can expect few types of universes there:
★ "'Space' Universe": Imagine a universe with Space only.
★ "'No Space' Universe": Imagine a universe with No Space (Black Holes) only. Which is not empty, but filled with something solid.
★ "'Both Space and No Space' Universe": Our universe. Which has empty space and solid materials (Black Hole, Stars, Planets and etc).
ManageYou can expect few types of universes there:
★ "'Space' Universe": Imagine a universe with Space only.
★ "'No Space' Universe": Imagine a universe with No Space (Black Holes) only. Which is not empty, but filled with something solid.
★ "'Both Space and No Space' Universe": Our universe. Which has empty space and solid materials (Black Hole, Stars, Planets and etc).
Natalie Romano Dear Atheist,
I want to find out some few things:
1. Is God good for the fact that He created humans? God doesn't exist...
2. Is God good for the fact that He gave every human being the opportunity to make choices for himself other than use force? God doesn't exist
3. Is God good for the fact that He does not interfere with our choices even when He knows they are sometimes wrong? God doesn't exist
4. Is God good for the fact that He encourages us to do what is right so we can avoid regrets? God doesnt exist
5. Is God good for the fact that He rather makes us see the effect of the wrong things we do so we can learn lessons from it than to stop us in the way and force Himself on us? God doesnt exist
6. Is God good for the fact that He wants us to choose Christ and make it to heaven as compared to going to Hell? god doesnt exist Even thou it is either repenting and going to heaven or you go to Hell, will not rather choose heaven and escape Hell? heaven and hell doesnt exist What is wrong with choosing heaven and avoiding Hell? neither exist God doesnt exist
ManageI want to find out some few things:
1. Is God good for the fact that He created humans? God doesn't exist...
2. Is God good for the fact that He gave every human being the opportunity to make choices for himself other than use force? God doesn't exist
3. Is God good for the fact that He does not interfere with our choices even when He knows they are sometimes wrong? God doesn't exist
4. Is God good for the fact that He encourages us to do what is right so we can avoid regrets? God doesnt exist
5. Is God good for the fact that He rather makes us see the effect of the wrong things we do so we can learn lessons from it than to stop us in the way and force Himself on us? God doesnt exist
6. Is God good for the fact that He wants us to choose Christ and make it to heaven as compared to going to Hell? god doesnt exist Even thou it is either repenting and going to heaven or you go to Hell, will not rather choose heaven and escape Hell? heaven and hell doesnt exist What is wrong with choosing heaven and avoiding Hell? neither exist God doesnt exist
Suresh Wanayalae I'm sorry about that. But I don't need a God to exist to create the Universe, because I have already explained how Universe exist without a God.
Suresh Wanayalae According to Buddhism there were 70 aeons (70 big bangs) when there were no Buddhas. and again there were around 30 aeons (30 big bangs) when there were no Buddhas. Usually a Buddha appear when there are living beings, but we can understand that there are written evidencde in Buddhism that clearly stated that there were Universes where Buddha don't appear, that meens Buddhism talk about probability too. And it is scientifical. You can't show a God, you can just show the existence of living beings to prove the existence of a God, But it is totally stupid.
Suresh Wanayalae If you think your God created Dark energy and Dark matter to help you live, then it's fine. But I explained how it can exists without a God.
Bill Banks Do the gods love something because it is good? Or is it good because the gods love it?
Suresh Wanayalae I don't have a problem with a creator if some followers don't kill their apostates (those who leave their religion)
Suresh Wanayalae If you try to understand the properties of Space and Black Holes (quantum particles) then you can understand that both are like two sides of the same coin. When there is a front side, then it should have a back side. When the emptiness created the Space, it created the Black Hole (quantum particles) too. So the Space must try to fill the Black Hole (Nospace) to finish the existence of the Space. Space try fill Black Holes (Gravity) but this unlimited Distance (Universe) don't let it do that. But the Distance and Emptiness cause the Universe to behave like a wave and sometime the Distance blow up the Space (Positive Emptiness + Distance) and create Nospace (Negotive Emptiness + Distance) at the start (big bang create new aeon) of the wave that ends again after expansion of the Universe.
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Suresh Wanayalae This video explains that the Humans was not the only reason to their extinction: (Broken link removed)
Suresh Wanayalae Isaac Prince Tygon Yes. they removed it. I found another link:
Suresh Wanayalae Killing is not a joke to us.
This is another example of Islamic violence: Nalanda University was a very big Buddhist university in Bihar which wan invaded and burned by Muslims under "Ikhtiyar Uddin Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji" and killed thousands of monks and burned thousands of books. It was a religious center of learning from the fifth century AD to 1197 AD. The great library of Nalanda University was so vast that it is reported to have burned for three months after the invaders set fire to it, ransacked and destroyed the monasteries, and drove the monks from the site (
This is another example of Islamic violence: Nalanda University was a very big Buddhist university in Bihar which wan invaded and burned by Muslims under "Ikhtiyar Uddin Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji" and killed thousands of monks and burned thousands of books. It was a religious center of learning from the fifth century AD to 1197 AD. The great library of Nalanda University was so vast that it is reported to have burned for three months after the invaders set fire to it, ransacked and destroyed the monasteries, and drove the monks from the site (
Sentinel Rahiman So what even britishers killed Indians take guns put bullets in thier ass
Manage


Suresh Wanayalae westerners stopped killing based on religion, but Muslims still do it.
Who are following Islam correctly? Terrorists or others? Why they kill innocent apostates?
Who are following Islam correctly? Terrorists or others? Why they kill innocent apostates?
PAKISTAN- WHAT !!! 2,472 cases of abuse of…
Sentinel Rahiman Why why the fuck people are so idiots man I'm just fucked with you people I'm fed explaining we are not fucking terrorists.God.......
Help these idiots
ManageHelp these idiots
Suresh Wanayalae Sentinel Rahiman There are many good Muslims who follow the good side of Islam. However I couldn't find Muslim organizations or groups who are against killing innocent apostates.
Sentinel Rahiman Suresh Wanayalae we all are against killing Innocents my advise to you is stop seeing
Westerns they are rouges.
Be a human
And by the way I'm athiest
ManageWesterns they are rouges.
Be a human
And by the way I'm athiest
Suresh Wanayalae I don't want to argue with you. I was a Roman Catholic because my mother is. But my father is a Buddhist. I converted to Buddhism. I can understand about western christian mind. I didn't have a big problem to convert from Roman Catholic to Buddhism. But if I lived in a Muslim country and I was a Muslim, I would not be able to convert to Buddhism.
Umaara Hadley It does. No other religious people demand special treatment or secession. Just islam.
Adam Bourne Where do they demand special treatment? Do you have an example of them demanding stuff in a way that is different from other religions?
Umaara Hadley Everywhere. Where do you think Pakistan came from? Everywhere they go, they want to recreate the places they’ve left. And mark their spot.
Suresh Wanayalae Adam Bourne Musims in my country used their votes to force. Now a Muslim man can marry more than 1 women. And more rules.
Adam Bourne I’m talking to the other chap on that one. He said they voted and cites that as “demanding”.
Suresh Wanayalae Adam Bourne Political parties agree to legislate Islamic laws to get votes from Muslim political parties.
Suresh Wanayalae Adam Bourne No, that is what the problem with higher muslim population. Only 10% (muslims) use votes completely against the political party that represent the religion of the majority. They were always against the Majority religion (Buddhism), Political parties have to promise what they want to win the election.
Suresh Wanayalae Yes. It should be discussed soon.
Hasnain Bin Kafil Lol. Not happening
Suresh Wanayalae That is the problem
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