Agnostic Muslim asks Zakir Naik "Isn't religion used to control people?": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOtUelBT4rQ
Pin Apple:
even if god exists, he isn't worthy of being worshipped
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Pin Apple Yes. That so-called God can't be better than the Universe, because the cyclic process of the Universe let us start again from the beginning if we were wrong, but that so-called God send some people to an eternal hell.
Pin Apple:
@Suresh Wanayalaege any proof of ur claims sir?? really any proof at all... apart frm religious books???uk...i can't expect u to believe in a green blob in d room juss bcoz i want u to....give lectures on God only if u hv any claims supporting it
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Pin Apple I didn't say that a creator God exists. I'm a Buddhist atheist. I meant IF there is a creator God, he is not a Good God, because he send people to an eternal hell.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
The Universe is not only nothing, but also infinite. Nothing and ( x ) infinity create ( = ) forms of +emptiness and -emptiness in between, and the infinity continue that process at the edge of the emptiness (distance) too. 'Nothing' becomes' +Emptiness and -Emptiness when 'Infinity of the 6 directions ((+0-0)6 or (+0.0-0.0)3)' overlap with each other making 4 dimensions inside 3 dimensions which make Time and Distance. And the Universe always has 6 directions (Up,Down,Left,Right,Front,Back) with those nothingness and infinity. Big Bangs and Dark Energy restart and increase the capacity of the Universe (*mathematically: +0-0 to +1,-1 and +0.001,-0.001). If the edge of the Universe is expanding, then we can understand that the edge of the Universe can make space or energy from nothing and infinity (mathematically). We already discovered that an energy called Dark Energy cause to an accelarating expansion of the Universe (including galaxies). So the Dark Energy is the evidence which showed us that it can come from nothing and infinity of directions around the Universe. Dark energy is not static. So the speed of the acceleration of the galaxies will cause to collapse the forms like Galaxies, Dark Matter, Atoms and etc. And then it can cause to make a Big Bang again.
Mathematically: (+0-0)6 = (+1-(-1))3 x (+0.0-0.0)3
(+1-(-1))3 made space, galaxies, atoms and etc.
(+0.0-0.0)3 is making space or energy at the edge of the Universe.
Does A Creator God Exist? - Answered: https://buddhist-essentials-and-concepts.blogspot.com/p/does-creator-god-exist-answered.html
@Suresh Wanayalaege
Theists can't or refuse to understand that uninformed people created the gods.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Timothy Mostad , Maybe most of them don't understand it. But when they find an alternative knowledge, then some of them can understand it.
Timothy Mostad:
@Suresh Wanayalaege
To be an antiquated fictional fantasy after reading the whole book, cover to cover.
Muslims are like other cults, never read/understand while they are telling other people it is true, and take other person's word for it instead of finding out for themselves.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@Timothy Mostad , Yes. And Muslims can't Question Islam publicly without risking his/her life. Why I Don't Debate Muslim Apologists - Apostate Prophet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQiOiIAnMo8
JDR 353:
Great video sameer..👍👍
Islam and Allah is indeed sexual excuse for one man Muhammad 🙄💩
JOJO FreelancerKUP:
Read the old testament first. Than all those abrahamic faiths collapse.
JDR 353:
@JOJO FreelancerKUP
Read Genesis 19
And Quran 54 : 34
You will know
Which is truth when you see todays Sodom and gomorrah.....🤪👍
Hasanul S:
@JOJO FreelancerKUP OT doesn't support pedophilia, war or sexual perversion. Indeed those who were sexually perverted were punished by the Lord.
JOJO FreelancerKUP:
@JDR 353 today sodom and gomora? Learn your history.
JOJO FreelancerKUP:
@Hasanul S https://www.therichest.com/shocking/15-naughty-verses-you-wont-believe-came-from-the-bible/
JDR 353:
@JOJO FreelancerKUP
Hey go and see for Sodom and gomorrah filled with brimstone and sulphur
Not storm of stones
Since Allah doesn't even know what's in Sodom and gomorrah....🤪🤪
JOJO FreelancerKUP:
@JDR 353 https://youtu.be/5YPVtSaqwi4
JDR 353:
@Suresh Wanayalaege
Lord Jesus Christ said
Matthew 16 : 23
Get behind me satan for you dont have any eternal concerns but merely Himan concerns...
Stupid boy ....
Dont Mock yourself
JOJO FreelancerKUP:
@Suresh Wanayalaege https://youtu.be/5YPVtSaqwi4
JOJO FreelancerKUP:
@Suresh Wanayalaege Are you Buddhist? Budhism makes more scence than Christianity
fish you:
@JOJO FreelancerKUP buddhism makes sense???u need a doctor 😂😂
JOJO FreelancerKUP:
@fish you It makes much more sence than a god who sacrafices himself for himself to save humanity from himself. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@fish you Buddhism makes 10000 times sense than Abrahamic religions
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@JOJO FreelancerKUP , Thank you.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@JOJO FreelancerKUP , Yes, I'm a Buddhist. I converted from Roman Catholic when I was around 11 years old.
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@fish you , This is the most important thing you should know in Buddhism: Satipatthana Sutta (shortly) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zUCcu-NXF0
Satipatthana sutta (Fully) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM0ZF3zEcd8
Suresh Wanayalaege:
@JDR 353 , I know that the so-called creator God is dangerous. He tells us to accept him or burn in hell forever. He is just like a leader of a Mafia gang. If you want to go to heaven then you should practice your mind to do it. Believing heaven and heavenly beings is a part of Buddhist practice too. Maybe believing a heavenly creator God can help you to go to heaven too, but not because there is a creator God, but because your mind want to go to heaven. So try to understand that you should think about your mind, than you think about an unknown god who changed his religion from time to time (from Hinduism to Judaism to Christianity to Islam). You can't trust that creator God, because you don't know his current religion. You creator God is changing his mind, so maybe he will send Christians to the Islamic hell, or maybe he will send Muslims to the Christian hell. 😂😂 So it is difficult to trust that creator God. I guess you came here to support ex-Muslims to save the world from the terrorism of Islam, so you should understand that Islam is using a name of a God (Allah) to do bad things. So if believing a God is enough, then those terrorists will go to heaven too. But that is the reason why they need a God. They do bad things against their heart (mind), but they want a God to get forgiveness. Maybe, that is a good practice to the mind to help you to go to heaven, but I think if you can do good things than bad things then that will be a better practice to help you to go to heaven. Because you must do good things to go to heaven. Think like a heavenly being, And you must understand your mind and body to control you mind. Buddhism helps us to understand our mind and body: Satipatthana Sutta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM0ZF3zEcd8
Satipatthana Sutta part 1 to 46 - The direct path to liberation by Joseph Goldstein (English) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VstzwcmhOns&list=PL3ZEkiewOoFCHBwohynCg8IdASm5xWOjD
Hash Weerasinghe:
will gotabaya rajapaksha crack down on radical islam I mean after the corona ?
what is your thought on this ?
Yes, maybe. But it is not a permanent solution. In some Schools In China, they teach Muslim children about how to stay away from Radical Islam. That worked well. If our Government is not strong enough to do that then we can support/promote Ex-Muslims to do it in Social Media.
The Real Truth About Islam Explained By An Indian Lawyer (රමේශ් රාධවන්) (in English with Sinhala subtitles): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2va4r9i1Y-g
The Rise of Ex-Muslims
Apostate Prophet:
Greetings and much respect to all Ex-Muslims and outspoken activists. We'll be watching, and we're proud of that!
Suresh Madusanka:
Yes, there are a lot of ex-muslims, but still some muslim and ex-muslims don't know about the existence of ex-muslims. Specially the laws in islamic countries try to hide the truth about the existence of ex-muslims, and some muslims don't even know about the problems the ex-muslims and non-muslims face because of some islamic organizations, so at least we should tell muslims about the problems with those islamic organizations and islam itself.
Women Leaving Islam
Nano GoleSorkh:
In this powerful film, six ex-Muslim women activists share their moving stories of growing up in Muslim families and Muslim-majority countries and the violence, loss and shunning they faced because of their apostasy.
The women talk about everything from tearing their hijab on door handles as a child, wearing a burkini on a beach in Italy, wanting to scream their atheism in Mecca during Hajj, losing custody of a child after a husband’s accusations of blasphemy, reporting a violent fundamentalist father, forging a male guardian’s signature in order to flee their country and being shunned for defending gay rights…
Despite the risks, the women speak of hope, happiness and freedom from Islam and the hijab.
Suresh Madusanka:
Some Muslim women become violent because of Islam. Muslim Nurses beat Christian for singing Jesus' name: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sa-eNUNQMvQ
Brave Ex-Muslims can help Muslims to leave Islam.
The Greatest Threat to Islam?
The Great Challenge of the Quran
The Two Saudi Sisters Who Committed Suicide To Avoid Returning Home
Does Allah teach muslims to respect other religions/ people?
Why Nobody Likes Islam
Death threat to Apostate Prophet
The Other Kaaba (Which Muhammad Destroyed)
10 Facts Everyone Should Know about Muhammad
Mohammed Hijab's Disgusting Behavior EXPOSED
People Are Doubting and Leaving Islam Because of Critics (Says Saajid Lipham)
Suresh Ran Rahas
Most Muslims supported violence almost without any strong resistance, and it made a worse (f*ckful) situation in Afghanistan because some stupid Islamic groups kill minorities to stop discrimination, against the majority of Muslims. It seems some Muslims want to remove minorities (Activists, Ex-Muslims, Atheists, moderate Muslims) to practice Islam without minorities because if there are no minorities there is no discrimination against minorities. They need terrorist groups to remove minorities, and It happened for hundreds of years because of that religion. Islam is not peaceful with majorities and minorities, but unfortunately, some good Muslims can't understand that Mohamad was a bad person and he used a fake creator God called Allah to make a fake religion called Islam. It is madness if people think that a violent religion can help to go to heaven.
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Tragedy unfolds at Kabul Airport: People fall off plane mid-air amid jostle to flee Afghanistan
Let's Send the Islamists to Afghanistan
Gravitas: A gut-wrenching story from Pakistan
The Truth About The Taliban's Treatment of Women
Adam Was 60 Cubits Tall DEBUNKED
Muslim Speaker Admits Hundreds of Youth Leaving Islam
Why Umm Ruqayah Took off Hijab for a Day
තලෙයිබාන් සටන්කාමීන්ගෙන් ශ්රී ලංකාවට විශේෂ නිවේදනයක් | An announcement from Taliban to Sri Lanka
Afghanisthan kabul bomb blast in sinhala
90 Afghans civilians, 13 US troops killed in suicide bomb attack
Why I don't believe in "One True Islam"
elyas ahmadzai (YT vid: Grcej1Eobiw):
Mashallah may Allah guide more people towards the truth, Ameen.
Suresh Wanayalae:
A creator God doesn't exist. This is the proof (Y o u T u b e - V- ID:) 7ctZcT9S4hw
That is about the existence of everything.
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae - The Chinese Communists created Covid-19 to prove virus is real, but God in Islam still compete with God in Christianity in 1400 years, but God in Islam still could not appear or incarnate in Man like Jesus Christ.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , There is a way to prove that we don't need a creator God to create us. My name can help you to investigate about it, because social media blocks some information. My previous comments can help you to find the truth as well.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , The followers of Allah bombed and killed around 170 people in Afganistan. Was it respectful? So Atheists must question the existence of a creator God. It is not about freedom. It is about removing wrong beliefs which leads to violence in the name of God/Allah.
Just investigate the source I sent to open your eyes.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , China announced that they will reprint quran after removing bad teachings in Quran in December 2019. And Some people put corona virus to china in December 2019. Can you imagine who created the virus? Qurana?
elyas ahmadzai:
@Suresh Wanayalae are you an expert on the quran or your just ignorant like any other islamophob, give me you instagram anything for me to educate you on islam and violence.
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae - The current China is an atheist and communist regime that is more or less aggressive and terrible than Taliban.
Now, The China Communist regime is trying to control the world to replace the USA , and it is brainwashing people with their atheism.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , Don't forget the history. The Bible (West) and Quran (Muslims) (Eg: Mogal empire, Hitler) were horrible. Don't forget about neuclear bombs. Just keep your illogical arguments with you.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@elyas ahmadzai , There is no one true Islam. Can you tell me why Most muslims are happy about Taliban controlling afganistan? Most Muslims know that Taliban and most violent Muslims groups follow many interpretations of Islam. Ex-Muslims know more about it (YouT.-V-idL: i.) reBj2YMhcSo ii.) i9V9oikbIKg). Don't try to use Al-Takiyah to tell lies.
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae - The nuclear bombs were created by Man (not by God in the Bible), and it can be "boomed" to finish your life and Mecca immediately! But "holy wars for Allah's sake" were created by Allah in the Quran when it violated God's command "NO MURDER".
So holy war for one mysrical being is the dumbest and most horrible thing for human right. So people should PREACH their belief only, NOT MURDER for their belief.
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , I can understand you. But you should try to understand that something is wrong with the teachings of Abrahamic religions, not only with humans. However, I just wanted to say that I know that a creator God doesn't exist because I made a theory to explain the existence of the Universe and the atoms, and interactions of subatomic particles, etc. I don't like to use my time to explain it to you personally. Best of luck. Bye
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae - How can atheists explain why the Biblical God or the Universe appeared in man to talk to Abraham, and appeared in flame to talk to Moses in the past?
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , Do you know that everything you see is just Electrons, Up Quarks, Down Quarks, Photons, Gluons, Quantum fields, Mathematics, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, etc? Fundamental Elementary particles, fields, and interactions of those things tell us the process of the universe and life. The most important thing is discovering the origin of the elementary particles and fields to explain the existence of everything we see. Can't you understand that? Maybe you can't understand that. Bye
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae Can you understand why these things exist?
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , Yes, I could understand the existence of dimensions of the universe to build a mathematical explanation about the universal process of those dimensions.
Dono Sago:
@Suresh Wanayalae - How did the dimensions of the universe exist and come from?
Suresh Wanayalae:
@Dono Sago , The universe was a THING, even it was infinitely nothing (zero infinity), and that THING should have 6 directions (Up, Down, Left, Right, Forward, Back) which go to zero and infinity while making dimensions (+6-6 dimensions) as moments of directions of the universe. I used the properties of the start of the universe to calculate the process of the Universe.
However, some groups of Muslims bring heroin and many other types of illegal drugs to non-Muslim countries. Last week (Sep 2021) some Muslims from Pakistan and Iran tried to bring around 600 Kg to Sri Lanka, and it happens every month. It shows how some Muslims do Business with non-Muslims. And some people bring illegal drugs from Afghanistan too. And they just want to make an Islamic world doing all the bad things in the world to damage non-Muslim societies. That is the truth about Islam which is based on the concept of the creator of God to help Muslims do anything they want, and think that they can go to heaven. The problem is with the concept of creator God/Allah that makes it happen. And I'm very sure that it is just a concept only, and a lot of bad Muslims will go to hell.
Muslim Challenges Apostate Prophet on the Kaaba
WARNING: Don't Talk to Apostate Prophet and David Wood!
The Complete Refutation of Mecca in the Bible | Valley of Baca & Desert of Paran
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Ninja Mommy Apologizes to Exmuslims 😳
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Quran Scholar Admits: The Quran is Not Superior
Man Tortured, Burned, and Killed for "Blasphemy" by Muslims in Pakistan

Taslima Nasrin Exclusive: Islam Is Not A Religion Of Peace


WARNING: Muslim Scholar Says We Will Conquer and Enslave you in 40-50 Years
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